Understanding Generative AI for your organisation and the built environment

by Andrew Johnson | April 11, 2023 |  3 min read

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In today’s rapidly advancing technological landscape, the conversation around Artificial Intelligence (AI) and its impact on jobs is more relevant than ever. Contrary to the widespread fear that AI will lead to significant job displacement, the reality is far more nuanced. AI, particularly in the form of Generative AI, is not here to take jobs but to transform them. This transformation is not spearheaded by AI itself but by individuals who are leveraging AI to enhance their capabilities and efficiency.

To demystify AI and its potential, BIM Academy has developed a workshop in collaboration with the International Centre for Connected Construction (IC3) and Northumbria University: Understanding Generative AI for Your Organisation and the Built Environment

This three day wprkshop will be delivered by BIM Academy’s Murillo Piazzi and Andrew Johnson and has been meticulously designed to introduce North East businesses to Generative AI, showcasing its value, and guiding them into integrating these advancements in their day to day operations.

Understanding Generative AI for Your Organisation and the Built Environment

What you can expect from attending the Understanding Generative AI for Your Organisation and the Built Environment workshop:

Day 1 – Introduction to Generative AI

Your journey commences with a hands on exploration of Generative AI’s impact across industries. We will introduce foundational concepts and demonstrate the practical capabilities of tools like ChatGPT Plus. Through interactive sessions and real-world examples, participants will gain a practical understanding of how AI can enhance project management, risk assessment, and design optimisation, explicitly focusing on the construction industry.

Day 2 – Deep Dive into GPTs

On the second day, we will delve into the architectural intricacies of GPT models, emphasising the collaborative nature of AI customisation to meet specific organisational needs. Through group activities and open discussions, we aim to foster a learning environment where attendees can share their insights and learn from each other, addressing data handling, privacy, and ethical considerations.

Day 3 – Review and Implementation Strategies Workshop

The final day is dedicated to strategising the implementation of Generative AI within participants’ organisations. We’ll review applications, discuss the integration challenges of custom GPT models, and open the floor for feedback and Q&A, ensuring a comprehensive understanding of how to leverage AI technologies moving forward.

The Misconception of AI Taking Jobs

The fear that AI will render human jobs obsolete is a misunderstanding of AI’s role in the modern workforce. AI enhances jobs by automating mundane tasks, allowing humans to focus on more strategic and creative aspects of their roles.

AI is a powerful tool that augments human capabilities rather than replacing them. Harnessing AI to make informed decisions, innovate, and optimise workflows can enhance job roles and create new opportunities.

From healthcare to construction, AI’s positive impact is evident across sectors. It streamlines operations, improves accuracy, and opens avenues for innovation, demonstrating its role as a catalyst for growth and efficiency.

Ethical Considerations and AI

Ethical AI use is paramount. Addressing concerns around data privacy, fairness, and accountability becomes crucial as we integrate AI into our workflows. Adopting a responsible approach to AI, as exemplified in our past articles, ensures its benefits are maximised without compromising ethical standards.

AI is not a harbinger of job losses but creates new roles and opportunities. Skills in AI implementation, data analysis, and ethical AI management are increasingly in demand, highlighting the evolving nature of the job market.

Adapting to AI-enhanced work environments requires a willingness to learn and evolve. Understanding AI tools, re-skilling, and embracing a continuous improvement mindset is critical to thriving in this new landscape.

Will AI replace my job?

AI is more likely to transform your job than replace it, automating routine tasks and opening up opportunities for more strategic and creative work.

Stay informed about AI developments, seek opportunities for learning and training through BIM Academy, and be open to adapting your skill set.

AI is creating new roles that require expertise in AI implementation, data analysis, and ethical management. It is streamlining operations, improve decision-making, and foster innovation, enhancing efficiency and competitiveness across various sectors.

AI’s potential to transform the workplace is immense, but harnessing its benefits truly requires human insight, creativity, and ethical consideration. By embracing AI as a tool for enhancement, professionals can navigate the evolving job landscape with confidence and optimism.

Learn more about this workshop and register your interest to take part: Understanding Generative AI for Your Organisation and the Built Environment  

To find out more about all BIM Academy training, contact [email protected].

About the author

Andrew Johnson

Associate, BIM Academy

Andrew is the Learning and Development Lead at BIM Academy, responsible for authoring and delivering digital construction training, as well as designing and developing digital transformation programmes for industry clients. Andrew specialises in digital strategy development through information management on live projects and through research.

In 2019, Andrew left the Corps of Royal Engineers after a full 24 years’ service, leaving as a senior soldier.

Prior to leaving the military, Andrew completed his postgraduate MSc in engineering management, with a thesis that investigated the cultural impact of implementing BIM in the UK construction industry.

Andrew Johnson